Available Services
Reach your highest potential. Fulfill your soul's purpose. Find your mission.
Please be mindful there is about a 8 week waiting time for new clients appointments.
Thank you for your understanding.
If you would like to book for the 6-week Ascension Program you can email me directly on info@althealucrezia.com
Tutti I servizi sono disponibili anche in Italiano.
For time zones info : https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
(All Pricing + more services available on Store Page)
13 Chakra Planetary Alignment Activation.
This is a NEW SERVICE that was recently channeled & download through me, it's a Planetary Attunement and Activation of the higher Chakras in the 13 Chakra system - Earth Star,Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Hands, Heart, Higher Heart, Throat, Tongue, Ears, Third Eye, Crown & Soul Star.
Psychic Awakening & Ascension Coaching.
I will help you understand how you can really awaken your psychic and intuitive powers and find your purpose and role in earth's Ascension process. If you feel like you already know yourself but want to dive deeper into consciousness and connect with source this is for you.
6 week 1:1 Ascension program
Click on button below for more info on this in-depth Ascension Program
Full Reiki Cleansing & Healing Treatment.
A full treatment to restore your energy body, remove unwanted toxins from your system and regenerate you completely. Includes Cord Cutting, Auric Healing, Chakra aligning and balancing & Full 12D shielding.
Live channeling with Light Language Activation.
Live Light Language channel includes DNA Activation and downloaded information specifically tailored to your needs and requirements.
Tailored to your highest good, some examples of what may come through are: ET contact, past life information (Akashic record access) deceased relative, spirit guides, Angelic beings & higher self.Past Lives Regression Channeling.
We will access your Galactic blueprint and read your Akashic records and download information coming through from your guides & higher self aimed for your greatest and highest good helping understand present and past behaviours/habits & blockages.
Channeled Light Language personalised Art Codes.
Personalised channeled Light Language codes that work directly at a soul level and anchor in to upgrade your DNA structure.For more of my art you can click on the INSTAGRAM icon. 3 Options Available.
August Live Mentorship
4x LIVE Zoom sessions of 1.5 hours each spread across 4 weeks
Subjects we will cover:
-The Practical Approach - how to get started.
-Different healing Modalities and how to Monetize them Ethically.
-How to figure out what direction to go within your Business model & based on your individual personality.
-Social Media Construct - The energy behind it and how to use it to your Advantage.
-Rituals and Manifestation - How to attract Abundance & firmly anchor in it.
-Client Relations, Boundaries, Self worth and Empathy.
-Understanding your target Market.
-Branding, Identity + Strategic Marketing.
-Structure and Discipline within your business model - Aligning your personal life with your Business.
-Q & A at the end of each session + 1:1 & Group Whatsapp Support.
Each session includes Light Language Transmission with Codes for Abundance & Energy Clearing.
3 Digital Codes per week for a total of 12 Digital Codes to assist the System and Support the Structure Opening.
Recording of every session will be available to all participants.
Masterclass LIVE - Learn how to Channel!
This is an exclusive Masterclass where I will teach you a variety of tools to assist you in opening your own channel. Only 12 spaces per masterclass available - check store page for dates.
Ancient Atlantean Personalised Light Language Codes
This is a Personalised MP3 Recording you will receive on your email address - You can ask for specific intentions set into this Healing beforehand.
I will use ancient tools and techniques, sounds and technology from the Ancient Atlantean times and Era to assist you in your unique development and help you with expanding as you align with your highest timeline.
Once you make the purchase I will contact you on your email so that we can anchor in your intentions for this recording - it can be used repeatedly and at different stages of your life will be coded to assist you in whatever specific phase you are in as the codes are intelligent and will evolve with your vibrational frequency.
Monthly Collective Healing
This is a 45 Minute Recording & Remote healing to help you release what no longer serves you and anchor in the NEW EARTH energies, upgrade your DNA structure and remove any blockages present in your energy field.
I will incorporate in this healing modality Reiki, Symbols and Light Language Activations, the energy will be attuned to your greatest and highest good.
All recordings available to purchase on the Website store page for 12 $.WORKSHOPS AVAILABLE
Copyright ©2024 Althea Lucrezia Avanzo.