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11/11 Portal Activation - Galactic Rainbow Dragon Workshop
November 11th workshop outline:
This will be a 2.5 hour workshop for you to learn, attune & align to the Hopi, Law of One, galactic, crystal, dragon gridlines and to increase your awareness, intuition and knowing. You will be Activating DNA & anchoring in codes for the Collective Grid and your Individual highest timeline.
This Workshop includes:
- Light Language Activations
- Timeline & Karmic clearing
-DNA Attunements & Lightbody Activations
- Blueprint Structure Upgrades
- New Earth Grid Structure Anchoring
- Q & A allocated time
- x3 Digital Lightcodes for Integration & Support (Valued at 666$)
Light anguage Activation: this will be a light language activation with strains od Energetic Imprints from the following beings of light: Arcturians, Leronians, Pleiadians, Lyrans, Sirians, Andromedans, Atlantean & Lemurian energetic Structures, The Mantis Collective, Blue Avians, Essassani, Rainbow Ray Etheric beings, Unicorns, The Dragon Collective, Maji, Crystalline & Elemental Beings.
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